(Circle your responses)
1. Which gender are you?
Male Female
2. Which are group are you in?
15-18 19-22 23-25 26 +
3. What is your genre preference?
Horror thriller Action thriller
Psychological thriller Crime thriller
Erotic thriller Conspiracy thriller
Religious thriller Science-fiction thriller
4. What is a thriller?
5. What do you think would make a good thriller?
6. Do you think a thriller film should have blood involved?
Yes No
7. Do you think having suspense drawn in would make a good thriller?
Yes No
8. Does having props make a difference to a thriller film?
Yes No
9. Which certificate film would you watch mostly? (circle which are appropriate)
PG U 12 12a 15 18
10. Do we learn about the characters through the clothing? If so, what?